The Stylage products consist of innovative monophasic gels consisting of cross-linked hyaluronic acid (patented IPN-Like technology) and a natural antioxidant to reduce the visual effects of ageing. They can be used for filling and smoothing wrinkles, natural lip correction, volume restoration, hydration, chin re-modelling, tear trough correction, neck, décolleté and hand rejuvenation. The addition of mannitol to act against free radicals provides optimal resistance to degradation. As a result, this innovative formula creates a safe, long-lasting product for all types of wrinkles and all skin types. The gels have optimized elasticity for easy modelling and reshaping, even for delicate areas like the nose, temples and hands. At the same time, they have high viscoelasticity for good filling capacity and natural aesthetic results.
Manufacturer: Vivacy